New Patients
We will sit with you and talk about your presenting issue(s) and the doctor will preform a chiropractic exam as well as posture and thermography scans to provide a basis for treatment.
It is recommended to dress comfortably during your visits as you may or may not be required to remove clothing to access the skin.
If you have previous X-rays, MRIs, etc, please bring a copy if available. The doctor will recommend new X-rays if needed. We do not Xray in office. Your first visit should not take longer than 1 hour.
Dr. Matt will review and explain the findings and information with you, provide education on how we will be able to help you, and recommend treatment to help you achieve results.
You can expect to be treated the same day unless the doctor feels further information is needed such as new X-rays or doctors permissions, etc.
After treatment, Dr. Matt will answer any further questions you may have and you will then be able to schedule future treatment and check out.