Chiropractic Wellness
Benefits Beyond Back Pain
Chiropractors are doctors specifically trained to located and remove these misalignments to restore proper motion and function to the body, allowing it to work at 100%. Subluxations or misalignments present in the spine and body cause a disruption in the nervous systems’ communication to and from the brain, thus causing malfunctions, pain, symptoms, and even diseases. These subluxations are the result of wear and tear and other forms of damage that we as humans undergo daily, whether caused by physical traumas, chemical toxins, or even negative thought processes.
Start your journey to a better YOU today!
The body is a machine and all of its part need to be working together to function at 100%. A subluxation can occur relatively in any joint(s) in the body and each one can cause a different variety of issues, problems, and even difficulty doing normal daily activities. Dr. Matt is a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner, so he has a passion for adjusting extremities, as well as the body as a whole.
Let us help you start a path towards natural health and wellness. We want you to be the best version of yourself you can be one adjustment at a time.